
Please note that several of the below papers are available Open Access at the publisher’s website (follow the included link). If not, you can request an individual copy through my ResearchGate profile: ResearchGate


Chen, E.W., Guo, C.Y., Yin, Z., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Yao, J. (forthcoming). Ethical conflict and team innovation: A categorization – elaboration model approach. Group Decision and Negotiation.

Guzman, F.A., Tempesta Fernández, A., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (forthcoming). Endorsing voice behavior can be as devastating as rejecting it when the endorsement is laced with a hint of anger. Scientific Reports.

Qian, S., Hamstra, M.R.W., Jawahar, I.M., Schreurs, B., & Guzman, F.A. (forthcoming). Disagreeing with employees’ constructive disagreement: On giving (non-)specific explanations for rejecting employees’ voiced suggestions. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.

Hamstra, M.R.W., & Higgins, E.T. (2025). On ranks and risky choices. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 46, 227-241.

Abedini M., Schreurs B., Jawahar I.M., & Hamstra M.R.W. (2024). Does worrying about money motivate counterproductive work behavior? A time-lagged study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39, 469-482.

Garnier, E., Hamstra, M.R.W., Lempp, F., & Storme, M. (2024). A little humor goes a long way? The influence of humor on offer acceptance in one-shot online negotiations. International Journal of Conflict Management, 35, 1060-1078.

Gutermuth, D., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2024). Are there gender differences in promotion-prevention self-regulatory focus? British Journal of Psychology, 115, 306-323.

Gutermuth, D., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2024). Promotion focus is valued in men more than in women. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45, 764-781.

Guzman, F.A., Hamstra, M.R.W., Escribano, P., & Fu, X. (2024). Employees’ attitudinal reactions to supervisors’ weekly taking charge behavior: The moderating role of employees’ proactive personality. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39, 993-1010.

Hamstra, M.R.W. (2024). How much information to consider when choosing action to change? The impact of managers’ promotion vs. prevention focus. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39, 202-214.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Guzman, F.A., Qian, S., Schreurs, B., & Jawahar, I.M. (2024). Turning down employee voice with humor: A mixed blessing for employee voice resilience? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97, 1854-1873.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Laurijssen, L.M., & Schreurs, B. (2024). The impact of regulatory fit on experienced autonomy. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15, 340-350

Winkens, J., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2024). Does encouraging mastery goals benefit performance in a scoring exercise? It may depend on chronic self-adopted achievement goals. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 65, 339-345.

Mehmood, Q., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Guzman, F.A. (2023). Supervisors’ achievement goal orientations and employees’ mindfulness: Direct relationships and down-stream behavioral consequences. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 74, 1593-1607.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Schreurs, B., Laurijssen, L.M., & Marescaux, E. (2023). Who wants to leave when facing mass lay-off: A regulatory focus perspective on turnover intentions and mobility-oriented behavior. Career Development International, 28, 145-159

Vriend, T., Hamstra, M.R.W., Said, R., Janssen, O., Jordan, J., & Nijstad, B.A. (2023). Regulatory focus theory: Disentangling goals and strategies. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72, 231-267.
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Hamstra, M.R.W., Schreurs, B., Jawahar, I.M., Laurijssen, L.M., & Hünermund, P. (2021). Manager narcissism and employee silence: A socio-analytic theory perspective. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94, 29-54.

Mehmood, Q., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2021). Panacea or mixed blessing? Learning goal orientation reduces psychological detachment via problem‐solving rumination. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70, 1841-1855.

Schreurs, B., Hamstra, M.R.W., Jawahar, I.M., & Akkermans, J. (2021). Perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behavior: Testing the mediating role of relative deprivation and the moderating role of ambition. Personnel Review, 50, 1038-1055.

Strik, N., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Segers, M. (2021). Antecedents of knowledge withholding: A systematic review & integrative framework. Group & Organization Management, 46, 223-251.
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Schreurs, B., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2020). Effectively apologizing to consumers after a crisis: Psychological distance and abstractness/concreteness of an organization’s apology. Social Cognition, 38, 367-378.

Schreurs, B., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Davidson, T.I.N. (2020). What’s in a word? Using construal-level theory to predict voice endorsement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29, 93-105.
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Mehmood, Q., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Schreurs, B. (2020). Employees’ perceptions of their manager’s authentic leadership: Considering managers’ political skill and gender. Personnel Review, 49, 202-214.
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Hamstra, M.R.W., van Vianen, A.E.M., & Koen, J. (2019). Does employee perceived person-organization fit promote performance? The moderating role of supervisor perceived person-organization fit. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28, 594-601.
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Ahmad, J., Athar, M.R., Azam, R. I., Hamstra, M.R.W., Hanif, M. (2019). A resource perspective on abusive supervision and extra-role behaviors: The role of subordinates’ psychological capital. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 26, 73-86.

Hamstra, M.R.W., McCabe, K.O., Klekamp, B., & Rietzschel, E.F. (2018). Regulatory focus and individual sales performance of field marketers: A constructive replication. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40, 414-420.
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Hamstra, M.R.W., & Schreurs, B. (2018). Room for advancement: The regulatory fit of bottom-rank intermediate feedback. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 890-896.
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Schreurs, B., Hamstra, M.R.W., Segers, M., & Schmitte, K. (2018). Where to seat the applicant? How spatial distance influences the effect of self-promotion on interviewer evaluations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 448-456.
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Sassenberg, K., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2017). The intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics of self-regulation in the leadership process. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 193-257.

Blankert, T., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2017). Imagining success: Multiple achievement goals and the effectiveness of imagery. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 39, 60-67.
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Mehmood, Q., Hamstra, M.R.W., Nawab, S., & Vriend, T. (2016). Authentic leadership and followers’ in-role and extra-role performance: The mediating role of followers’ learning goal orientation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89, 877-883.

Mehmood, Q., Nawab, S., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2016). Does authentic leadership predict employee work engagement and in-role performance?: Considering the role of learning goal orientation. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 15, 139-142.

van Vianen, A.E.M., Hamstra, M.R.W., & Koen, J. (2016). Person–environment fits as drivers of commitment. In J.P. Meyer (Ed.), Handbook of Employee Commitment (pp. 275-288). Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, MA.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Sassenberg, K., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B., & Rietzschel, E.F. (2015). Regulatory fit buffers against disidentification from groups. Motivation Science, 1, 184-201.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Rietzschel, E.F., & Groeneveld, D.M. (2015). To go or not to go for the sell: Regulatory focus and personal sales performance. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 14, 109-112.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg, K. (2014). On the perceived effectiveness of transformational-transactional leadership: The role of encouraged strategies and followers’ regulatory focus. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 643-656.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg, K. (2014). Transformational and transactional leadership and followers’ achievement goals. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29, 413-425.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Orehek, E., & Holleman, M. (2014). Subordinate regulatory mode and leader power: Interpersonal regulatory complementarity predicts task performance. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 1-6.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Sassenberg, K., Van Yperen N.W., & Wisse, B. (2014). Followers feel valued – When leaders’ regulatory focus makes leaders exhibit behavior that fits followers’ regulatory focus. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 34-40.

Hamstra, M.R.W. (2014). ‘Big’ men: Male leaders’ height positively relates to followers’ perception of charisma. Personality and Individual Differences, 56, 190-192.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg, K. (2013). Like or dislike: Intrapersonal regulatory fit strengthens the intensity of interpersonal evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 49, 726-731.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Bolderdijk, J.W., & Veldstra, J.L. (2011). Everyday risk taking as a function of regulatory focus. Journal of Research in Personality, 45, 134-137.

Hamstra, M.R.W., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg, K. (2011). Transformational-transactional leadership styles and followers’ regulatory focus: Fit reduces followers’ turnover intentions. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10, 182-186.
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Van Yperen, N.W., Hamstra, M.R.W., & van der Klauw, M. (2011). To win, or not to lose, at any cost: The impact of achievement goals on cheating. British Journal of Management, 22, S5-S15.